The Government of the Russian Federation issued the Decree of 13.04.2024 under No. 468 «On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation», according to which the funds received from the ecological levy can be used to finance infrastructure facilities of eco-industrial parks and waste management facilities.
It is noted that these subsidies correspond to the goals of the federal project «Closed Cycle Economy», the task of which is to increase the share of secondary resources utilization in industry. The funds will be invested in businesses producing goods from recycled waste through a property contribution to the «Russian Environmental Operator» (REO).
The duties and functions of the REO include the development and promotion of innovative projects and advanced technologies in the field of waste management, the development of proposals and amendments to existing legislation, the development of investment projects under existing federal programs, the issuance of bonds, the purchase of shares in other companies, and the acquisition of movable property or real estate.
«Russian Environmental Operator» is a public-law company established by presidential decree on January 14, 2019. The purpose of the creation of the REO is to implement new waste management schemes, which are part of the garbage reform currently underway in Russia.