Recyclers of secondary polymers will gather for the third time from June 7 to 8 in Kazan for an event organized by VtorPrice (VtorPrice), which will include the awarding of the Recycler of the Year VRA2024.
Among the participants of the event last year were guests from Turkey and Israel, and this year guests from China and Azerbaijan are expected.
Heads of major industry companies and active market players will attend the event, where the top three companies will be honored with beautiful glass cups and cash prizes.
This year VRA2024 will feature interesting reports and exclusive statistical data from VtorPrice, as well as a rich program that will not leave indifferent even the most active participants of polymer conferences.
«First of all, there will be no boring conference hall: from the first minutes, without a long wait for the evening, guests will be invited immediately to the banquet hall of one of the best restaurants. The guests will be welcomed by live musicians. Delicious appetizers of the Welkam-zone and friendly atmosphere will allow long-awaited acquaintances to take place easily and casually.
Secondly, intellectual entertainment is being prepared especially for the event — quiz, polymer quiz, board game «Recycler» and stand-up. Each action will be accompanied by special gifts from partners and delicious national guests», — said the organizers.
During the second day of the event, for the first time in Russia, a polymer regatta — the most environmentally friendly sport and entertainment — will be organized. Guests will compete in teams. It will be a well-thought-out safe outing with rescuers and professionals. It will be possible to take a ride on the Volga River and visit Sviyazhsk Castle, which is under UNESCO protection.
«All the best within the bounds of propriety will be at the event. Guests are in for treats, amazing food, and birthday cake. We have particularly carefully thought out the introduction stage. Each guest will be introduced individually, because it is very important — to tell about the activity in a few phrases so that the prospect of further cooperation between the guests was obvious», — said in «Vtorpryce».
The organizers are also preparing a special gift — at the end of the event participants will receive a business card holder with contacts of all the guests of the award «Processor of the Year» and will be invited to the Club of Processors.